Brenda Flanigan is a licensed Respiratory Care Practitioner in Virginia and She has worked in the healthcare industry for over 20 years. Her experiences include serving others at: Neuro Intensive care, trauma, Home Care and Long-Term Care. Brenda specializes in helping families evaluate and learn to understand their needs. She provides individualized caring and professional advice to family
members during stressful times. She assists families with improving their current home situations or transitions into assisted living, independent living, and long- term care communities.
During Brenda’s time working in a Long-Term Care community, she focused her efforts on easing the stressors and demanding emotional circumstances families and residents experience when transitioning to new living environments. Her goal was to help families feel at peace knowing that she was there to help with all aspects of the transition and continuum. She was blessed to have the opportunity to support many of her clients by providing companionship, advice, and professional support. She was able to foster and develop relationships with her clients by taking time to know them which afforded her the ability to advocate not only for her clients, their families, but also for the residents and staff.
Brenda currently cares for her mother, and she sees firsthand the importance of having an advocate for seniors. Her own experiences with her mother helped to lead her to where she is now – in a position of providing the utmost care and understanding to those who need it most. “Helping families and seniors is my passion. I understand the stress and worry one feels when caring for a loved one. I use the knowledge I have gained through my own personal experiences to help my clients thrive and provide the same care and compassion as I would for my family members.”